A Cliché Post Before 30

Nadiya Mulia Farah
5 min readJul 20, 2023

I’m still 27, but it’s about 7 months to my 28th birthday (?) Should I write? Should I? Should I? I promise my closest buddy to post this on my 28th birthday, but I’m too impatient.

So…let’s start :D

28 isn’t a long enough time to look like this

Image source: https://norbekovsystem.com/en/parable-about-wise-old-man/
Image Source: https://norbekovsystem.com/en/parable-about-wise-old-man/

but not too young either to feel like this

Being a cat isn’t wrong, I just like the picture of this cat. Image Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1285680-cats

But let me share some takeaways, these are more than being told to marry somebody and have cute children.

Older age isn’t a guarantee that you can’t be lost, just enjoy the offroad
I always imagine how great 28 years old me in the future when I was 15, must be the one who knows perfectly how to face any challenge as she got a lot of experiences, and she’s stronger than ever, just like Selene from Underworld.

This is Selene that I mean, hope you watched Underworld, image source: https://www.sonypictures.com/movies/underworld

Yes, I am getting stronger and stronger but not really smarter and smarter, in fact, more far the distance isn’t a guarantee that your path is going to be clear and straight, it’s actually getting more twisted.

Image Source: https://www.guidingtech.com/fix-android-auto-gps-signal-lost/

Yes, I had many twists in life that broke my idealism and hit my stubborn head so many times, slap me with the sentence “I should see a thing from many point of views and why should I judge?”. If only the 27 years old me could visit 15 years old me, then I will have a word to her, “I’m as clueless as you are, but just with different problem lol”. Then I believe perhaps 47 years old me could visit 28 years old me, saying the same thing. Every part of life teaches us something, and unfortunately, learning has no ending.

When you feel something’s wrong, then it’s wrong
Like I mentioned before, life is always twisted, but have you ever feel like somebody whispers to you, feels like guiding you? (but sometimes it didn’t whisper or didn’t work and let you fall to the trap), then I believe it’s not Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter, it is your intuition. Just breath, and consider it.
Found interesting writing:

The human mind is wired to see patterns. Not only does the brain process information as it comes in, it also stores insights from all your past experiences. Your intuition has been developing and expanding for as long as you’ve been alive. Every interaction, happy or sad, is cataloged in your memory. Intuition draws from that deep memory well to inform your decisions going forward.” — Melody Wilding

Appreciate Yourself More
At this point I understand that we should prioritize ourselves first before anything else, because wherever we go, the thing that we always bring is ourselves. I’m always feeling suck when I made a mistake, no matter how significant the impact is, I used to feel that my world just ended that I didn’t deserve anything good in life

It didn’t end in 2012. Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_%28film%29

but sometimes I should just accept that I’m a human and I can be wrong, I can be dumb, I can be lost, but I can find myself back and make it right again.

When you did right, an adoration from somebody else is just a temporary, and don’t you ever get addicted to it, when you do right, it is because you know it’s right and you do it for yourself, not for anybody else. Don’t you ever give your soul, just stop being used.

Life isn’t a race
You must see about this anywhere, a thing about comparing. Comparing isn’t good I know, but wearing the blindfold isn’t that easy and accepting the truth that we’re envy is like swallowing a rotten papaya to me, but trying to live as somebody else is worse than swallowing a rotten papaya.

Just my fav actress wearing blindfold, in case you can’t imagine blindfold. Image Source: https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/bird-box-memes-twitter-netflix-cult-classic-1202031213/
Just a picture of cat eating papaya. Why does cat eat papaya??? Image source: 9GAG

Speaking of papaya, I just found that my closest buddy doesn’t like mango, he said the texture is unpleasant, but he likes papaya, like how come? (this is not part of comparing). Back to the topic, I would also suggest to stop overrating somebody, because the person we know just for a day, or even never meet in real life can be a different person with the same person we know them for 2 years, you know what I mean.

Relationship with others
Set boundaries to them who drain your energy and harming your mental and body, just play no drama.
But don’t forget to appreciate the ones who always there to listen, no money can buy sincerity. Some of them said that I can really care to someone, I just feel warm when I care and I did it for myself too.

Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame
What a good lyric, a good song, a good singer. That means I still love P!nk, kidding, yeah I love P!nk, but that’s not the point. It’s all about the consequences of every choice you made. I actually am kind of proud of myself, that I grow as somebody who has strong principle and quite determined (only) if I really want something, that also being said I can’t avoid any risk for being that determined stubborn person, and there was a time when I had a really strong will to reach some goals, but unfortunately, it just didn’t succeed even I already sacrificed some other things for it, even my decision that day has a great impact to my future.

Don’t you dare to click the play button

Then I don’t have any action than just face the consequences (like the brave Selene), try to make it right again.

The Brave Selene. Image Source: https://studio3dprint.net/en/movies-tv/1692-selene-vs-werewolf-underworld-stl-3d-print-files.html
I should put P!nk photo, not Chris Martin

I’m not good at closing, but this should have no closing, as I said before, there will be more, more and more learnings to come.

Just keep going

Guess the movie



Nadiya Mulia Farah

Used to be dedicated management student + business math lecturer assistant. Now in the process of being HR.