What Drives You

Nadiya Mulia Farah
3 min readJun 30, 2019

Disclaimer: I’m talking from a more macro perspective

No matter how great the system is, it’s always about the individual itself, what motivates them to do something, that’s why the people behavior is always interesting to me, and maybe that’s why managing people is harder for some people, and of course, people should be the thing that you can’t avoid everywhere you work on something.

Well, as I learned Economics for 3,5 years, I quite understood how nature works, how supply and demand play, and if we are talking about the unemployment rate as an example this time, its increment is always an interesting case to talk about from time to time.

When I was 17 years old I always wonder why they won’t take any job and blaming everyone who is not willing to give them any chance, I was really idealist that day, yes, the government might make a great impact on this, I agree with 17 years old me. They create systems, they own the regulations for the labor rules.

That day, I was thought what the thing the Gov should take care was technology, as our logistic is not fully supporting all the economic activity, it was just funny if we remember we got a lot of resources, but if you ever heard about the curses of the country that have a lot of natural resources, you’ll understand. This really makes sense, when you know you have everything, you’ll stay easy on everything without thinking that natural resources are limited and won’t give any idea about what will happen in 50 years or even 20 years from the present.

Why did I think that technology is related to the unemployment rate? while we know the technology advances are the reason for the unemployment increment? I believe it’s only happened in the short-term, in the long-term the technology will bring greater economic activity and solve the inequality in every region and will make a chance for every people in some region.

And another case in my country is some graduates from a specific major won’t take the job that related to their course. The example is the agriculture diploma will tend to work at the bank rather than manage our agriculture system that is still not reached by technology yet, when I believe my country needs its touch on agriculture the most, as we have a rich natural resource on it.

So I was thought the Gov wasn’t taking any serious action on this thing, as I thought we’re not developed enough if compare to other Asian Countries (again, it was really unfair that I compared to other countries which don’t have this curse). Another thing that I didn’t realize is that the Gov is not 1 person here. I won’t talk about my current assumption about what happens inside the Gov right now, let’s focus on the people.

Based on my experience, 2 years taking a specific role in Corporate’s Human Resource (actually startup), I understand about how people behave on the things, as the person who took a responsibility to help stimulate the comfortable working environment I understand it’s not that easy “to play the people”.
It’s too many factors and what drives them to do everything today are different, plus I haven’t take any psychology class before lol.

So how to create 1 system that suits everyone? the key that I understand the most and I took the highlight on is the motives, this isn’t just happened on the current employee, but also happened for the candidates, It’s always interesting to hear what drives them to choose to work (for the company), rather than stay unemployed of course or being an entrepreneur.

From this case, we back again for a more macro view, can you image 264mio people with 264mio motives and backgrounds? And how the few systems work on them?

It’s always back again to what drives you to crawl today, how to stimulate it is another interesting topic to discuss in people behavior

And I believe, both macro and micro could play a significant role in it.

By the way, if you ask me why the unemployment rate is important from macro perspective? it’s simply because it drives the economic activity, unemployment will lead to the percentage of individual spending and it will to the macroeconomic activity in the end. You’re not only responsible for your individual productivity but could impact the whole economic activity.



Nadiya Mulia Farah

Used to be dedicated management student + business math lecturer assistant. Now in the process of being HR.